Zelene Scholsberg


Zelene Jiang Schlosberg, a Chicago-based visual artist, is renowned for her innovative approach to creating art that blurs the lines between painting and sculpture. Her unique method involves cutting, painting, stacking, and positioning canvases to craft hybrid works. These pieces are distinctive for their precarious balance between two-dimensional and three-dimensional art forms, showcasing a profound attention to line and architectural elements.


Jiang Schlosberg's artistic process and style are deeply influenced by her extensive study of art history and various cultural influences. Her work reflects an intricate understanding and appreciation of Medieval and Renaissance paintings, a period known for its detailed and layered artistry. Additionally, the Eastern influence is prominently seen in her art, particularly through the techniques and aesthetics derived from Chinese ink paintings.


This juxtaposition of Western and Eastern art traditions, along with the layering of materials and ideas, is a hallmark of Jiang Schlosberg's work. She adeptly combines these diverse elements to create art that is not only visually striking but also rich in historical and cultural references. Her ability to seamlessly integrate different artistic traditions into her work makes her creations stand out in the contemporary art world.